The function of the single, spiraling tusk of the narwhal, a marine mammal that lives in the...
Its official name is Anzu wyliei, but researchers studying a pile of fossilized bones unearthed a decade...
Dingoes, often thought of as wild dogs, are actually their own group of predator, scientists proclaimed in...
Like most sex-role reversed organisms, populations of insects called Neotrogla have aggressive, promiscuous females and males who...
A quacking sound whose source was a mystery for decades now has an identity: the voice of...
A mite, Paratarsotomus macropalpis, was recently clocked at 322 body lengths per second, making the sesame-seed-size species...
Electromagnetic “noise” from human development may confuse the internal compasses of migratory birds, according to a study...
The sex of a silkworm (Bombyx mori) is determined by a small RNA, not a protein as...
Itty-bitty medical devices can be implanted in the human body to do any number of tasks, such...
Mice in the wild like to run on exercise wheels as much as lab mice, according to...